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Nir Yomtov

An ever-so-curious Game Developer with a passion for creating polished experiences_
Interested in Gameplay & Graphics Programming, A.I, UI/UX and the way they all tie together to form experiences that leave a lasting impression

Scavenger Sweeper

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  • Unity
  • C#
  • 3DS Max
  • Photoshop
Key Takeaways (What have I learned?)

Fusing Together Different Game Genres

Minesweeper is fun and addicting, but it lacks longetivity, and a constant narrative. The gameplay mechanics are solid - but I asked myself, how can I use the solid gameplay loop to facilitate a narrative? to expand on the genre? I decided to add RPG elements and by the time I finished this prototype, I knew I had something special.

Recreating A Polished Minesweeper

I am a huge fan of minesweeper, and I always felt like later iterations improved the graphics but left behind the intricacies of the controls and simplicity that made the original so addicting. I set out to create a 1:1 recreation including all the original quirks to make sure that I have strong foundation to build on, that would sweep *wink wink* the devoted fans of the original game to my iteration.

2.5D & Negating The Need For Inventory Sprites

The game involes both 3D models and the classic 2D interface of minesweeper. Each tile has its own dormant camera, and if an item drops there, it turns on and projects an image of the item with a random rotation and position, making each tile look unique even if they contain the same type of items. As a bonus, it simplifies the content creation pipeline by avoiding the need to generate 2D sprites for each 3D model.

Next Steps (Given the chance, what would I improve?)

NPCs & Quest System

I would to add NPCs you can find, not just enemies. Then incorporate trading & a quest system, as well as city/camp hubs, factions, bandits and so on.

More Enemy Types, More Items, More Content

I would like to fully fledge out the game world, introduce more enemy types, items & story material.